Please fill in the information associated with other income. If a category does not apply, simply check the Not Applicable box next to the category.
Other income figures:
Your e-mail address:
Complete a separate "Other Income" form for a spouse if applicable.
Check box if this form is related to:Taxpayer or Spouse
Alimony received: or Not Applicable (N/A):
Self Employed Income: or N/A:
Self Employed Deductions: or N/A:
Rental Income: or N/A:
Rental Deductions: or N/A:
Income from an Estate or Trust: or N/A:
Deductions from Estate or Trust: or N/A:
Income from a Partnership: or N/A:
Deductions from Partnership: or N/A:
Income from an S-Corporation: or N/A:
Deductions from an S-Corporation: or N/A:
Farming Income: or N/A:
Farming Deductions: or N/A:
Distributions from tuition or education savings program: or N/A:
Jury Duty Pay: or N/A:
Taxable Grants: or N/A:
Insurance Reimbursements: or N/A:
Comments or questions you want to add with this submitted information on this page:
After completing the information for this page, please review your entries and then click on the submit button below. Just click on the submit button once and a confirmation page should display your entries and allow you to return to this form to enter information related to your spouse if applicable.
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